2011년 2월 13일 일요일

A response to the 'I like turtles' boy

       Whether this video is funny or not should be a decision left to the viewers. Unfortunately, however, the common crowd is seldom the best judge especially for something as wide ranged as humor, because an individual as a part of the general public tend to follow the opinion of the general public. This tendency has become stronger since the widespread use of the Internet.
     The phrase, 'famous for being famous' not only explains Paris Hilton’s popularity but also shows a possible explanation of the fuss over this ‘I like turtles’ boy. If we were to analyze such factors as the angle of the camera, the boy’s painted facial expression, and his unexpected answer, we could find out an element within the video that would attract 27 million people. Nevertheless, such efforts would be a waste of time because his ‘well-knownness’ has undoubtedly affected his fame more critically than what the video itself displays.
           On youtube, usually the clip with the most clicks within a period of time is the most exposed. If there are few other videos posted at the time, a video needs only a little amount of attention, that is, about a few hundred views in an hour, to be exposed. People who fool around on youtube to find out what’s ‘hot’ at the moment would definitely check out the zombie boy while it stays on the main page, and are likely to think that there must be something funny about the video for it to make it up to the list. As this cycle goes on people post parodies that attracts even more viewers who may or may not like the video. After a few weeks Jonathan finds himself famous on the Internet, although no one knows how the viewers would have responded to this video had they not known that it was well-known.

댓글 1개:

  1. Excellent writing Tina - very persuasive use of rhetorical language. I especially like your explanation of all the minuscule yet crucial elements that separate the viral from the non viral. Good observation regarding the camera angle and the look on the boy's face combining with other things to create this uniquely awkward moment on local news. Also good is your reference to Paris Hilton etc. for "other examples" which always seem to pop on AP prompts.

    Keep up the good work.
